- Humidity Chamber 18″ x 18″ x 18″
- Computerized Universal Tensile Testing Machine Twin Screw 3 Ton/250kg, Floor model with attachments for Tear Resistance, Puncture Testing and Ball Burst Strength with Two Load Cell Facility.
- Single Pan Balance with Density Kit.
- Puncture Test Attachment.
- Carbon Black Content Apparatus.
- Digital Thickness Gauge.
- Cone Test Apparatus.
- Stop Watch.
- Thickness Gauge with Dead Weight.
- Glassware & Chemicals.
15 Hari Darshan Estate, Nr. Gopal Engineering, BH. Mony Hotel, Narol-Isanpur Highway, Ahmedabad-382443
Domestic: 09227241863
International: +91 9825071863
Domestic: ashit@kaisertechnic.com
International: export@kaisertechnic.com